First of all, I have never made any maps by myself, but I've been contributing to the creation of some maps for the game Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory. This page is dedicated to those maps. I'll provide some information about my contribution to these maps and also here are some screenshots and other information about the following maps:
October 1942: Axis have just managed to build a working V2 rocket. The prototype is waiting for its transportation in base 12. This is the last chance for Allies to destroy the prototype before it is tranported to safety.
created by TF
antman's contribution:
A C2 Missile is about to be launched by the axis forces. The allies are trying to break into their base and try to prevent the rocket from launching.
created by eiM &
antman's contribution:
The Axis have set up a secret base in an old village at the coast of the North Sea. Allies try to infiltrate it and get hold of Secret Documents the Axis store nearby.
created by eiM
antman's contribution:
Axis have stolen Allies' two secret documents of a secret weapon and hidden those somewhere. Axis tries to do best to defend those documents but Allies have called sniper-ops to get documents back to home!
created by DeSanchez
antman's contribution:
The Axis Forces have built up a base in the Center of Karsiah. They also have their Main Base there. The Allied Forces have the Mission to steal all Secret Axis Documents and transmit them to overrun the Axis Forces in the South.
created by Nenquel
antman's contribution:
The allies have to take over a flag and escort the tank to destroy the generator which will give access to the Library. Steal the secret documents and transmit the strategic view of the surrounding mountains helping the allies forces to coordinate their attacks.
created by BlAcky
antman's contribution:
The town of Negoshk is the mainpoint of the Axis Supplement Routes in the North. Therefore the Allied Forces planned to destroy their ammo depots. To be successful the Allied Forces have to steal a tank right out of an Axis City Outpost to destroy the City Gates to enter the Inner City and destroy the Ammo Depots.
created by Nenquel
antman's contribution:
The Axis are temporarily storing a number of gold crates in a fortified storehouse while they await their transfer to a more secure location. Allies must first gain control of the storehouse by damaging the forward bunker's East and West Walls, then with their forward spawn secured they must escape with a number of gold crates using the Axis' very own cargo trucks for transportation.
created by eiM /
Snake /
(original by Apple / GW)
antman's contribution:
The mighty Axis shore battery 'Siegfried' is harassing Allied shipping in the Mediterranean. The Axis must protect Siegfried from Allied attempts at sabotage.
created by eiM
(original by Splash Damage / Activision / ID Software)
antman's contribution:
The Mareth Line was a system of fortifications built by the French between the towns of Medenine and Gabès in southern Tunisia, prior to World War II. Following the Fall of France and Operation Torch it fell into Axis hands and was used by the Italians and Germans to defend against the British instead. Allies must retake control and capture the secret war documents guarded in a bunker next to Tounine.
created by eiM
antman's contribution: